Outstanding Seal Coating Services

When your driveway or parking lot is cracked or has holes, Henry's Paving provides the services you need to restore your pavement to its complete functionality and a more beautiful appearance. We serve Western Massachusetts with over fifty years of experience. Call our dedicated and experienced team at 413-301-3501 for a free estimate. 

Protecting Your Asphalt Surface

Our residential and commercial seal coating services help to seal your driveway, walkway, parking lot, or other surfaces to protect them from the oxidation that naturally happens from the weather and Massachusetts environment. We remove loose debris, including sand and dirt, and hand-apply seal coating. If any crakes exist, we will fill those in with hot rubber if necessary. Our skilled crew carefully ensures that every portion of your driveway, parking lot, or other surface is perfectly sealed.

Advantages of Seal Coating

Seal coating is essential to protect your asphalt. It will prevent the fading and breaking down of the asphalt surface from exposure to the sun's powerful rays. It also guards against water invasion, which can erode the foundation of your parking lot. Another seal coating benefit is the appearance it provides. A newly sealed driveway or parking lot will be vibrant in color, smooth, and just the perfect accent and appeal for the entrance of your home or business.

Contact Henry's Paving today at 413-301-3501 to get started with a free estimate for your seal coating job.

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